九龙冰室粤语第四火枪手方世玉之盖世英雄绝地战将蜘蛛侠:英雄归来3一雪前耻唐探1900我的尴尬性之旅大小姐干杯三盲鼠一天OneDay想飞2014最好的时光分手说爱你 国语山神1992何处是巧克力山动物王国2023哥斯拉2:怪兽之王(原声版)大决战!超奥特曼八兄弟科洛弗档案(粤语版)狂犬病 Rabid僵尸训练营国语山狗1999(国语版)三天致命邻居舞台姐妹亲爱的格洛莉亚我是和尚不愿恋爱的雀斑小姐无法割舍的爱
2017年上映,Juraj Lehotsky 执导,由Bibiana Nováková Robert Roth Petra Fornayová Josef Kleindienst 等主演的妮娜在捷克 / 斯洛伐克发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,妮娜手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《妮娜》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。
Nina is twelve years old and her world has just been shattered to smithereens: Her parents’ marriage has broken down and they are getting a divorce. After his internationally successful debut Miracle Juraj Lehotský now brings us an intimate drama in which the viewer looks upon the world and the selfish, visionless behaviour of adults through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. A gi...