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最后刺客老手2红色一号:冬日行动命之途剑客麻辣兄弟之疯狂一夜好莱坞医生当海南遇到潮州天使爱美丽爸爸的卖冰单车一夕风流恨事多嗨!亲爱的老师的善意谎言爱 愛圣诞城堡太空异旅(国语版)神奇女侠2017(国语版)蛇鱼怪普罗米修斯(国语版)珊瑚岛上的死光地球死亡病毒护身符死亡笔记:逆袭的天才第39号案件杀死爱人前任他小叔又野又撩乞丐1961线人The Informers最是人间留不住(鬓从今夜白)圣徒与士兵

更新时间:2024-04-19 15:21:45

导演:Marcus Koch 

主演:Billy Scam Tiffany Stinky Joel D. Wynkoop 

1999年上映,Marcus Koch 执导,由Billy Scam Tiffany Stinky Joel D. Wynkoop 等主演的腐烂在美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,腐烂手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《腐烂》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

Sarah has a surprise and gruesome announcement for Muzzy... she has contracted a deadly virus called the ROT which she got by sexing a dead guy from the local funeral home, and now she has passed it along to Muzzy. Slowly the two of them begin to ROT alive, spreading the insidious, flesh-melting disease to friends and foes and any unfortunate individual that es in contact with them. But Sarah and Muzzy's problems don't end there. The man responsible for their living death and the horrifying epidemic is Dr. Robert Olsen - a deranged scientist who used to work for the government's germ warfare research division. As the plague of rotting flesh accelerates out of control, the FBI and other secretive governmental agencies bee involved, and things are about to get even messier.


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